Do you know how to stop a bleed?
May is one of the most important times in TyTek Medical’s calendar for one very important reason: it’s National Stop the Bleed month.
It’s our passion and mission to educate, equip and empower the public with the tools and knowledge they need to stop a catastrophic bleed.
This is the goal of National Stop The Bleed Day on May 20th, the official one day call to action which we fully support and endorse. The ethos is that anyone can be trained and be ready to save someone’s life in the event of a trauma – a friend, family member, colleague, or the person next to you at an event.
Bystanders or zero responders will always be first on the scene of an accident or incident. No matter how fast the emergency services arrive - it’s the bystander who becomes the first responder. This simply means that the more of us who are trained in stopping a bleed, the more lives that can be saved.
Around 40% of trauma-related deaths worldwide are due to bleeding or its consequences, which means hemorrhage is the most common cause of preventable death in trauma. It takes just two to five minutes for someone to bleed out. Therefore, if a bystander at the scene is educated, equipped and empowered, they will have more chance to save that person’s life. We can be the bystanders who fill that crucial gap before emergency services arrive.
To support the Stop The Bleed mission, TyTek Medical are proud to supply a range of time critical emergency medical supplies, they were engineered for the battlefield but civilians are receiving military style injuries as a result of deliberate attacks. Having the proper equipment at hand, along with proper training and awareness, makes a big difference in allowing anyone to be ready to help someone in an emergency bleeding situation.
We have also launched a Stop The Bleed quiz, so we can discover just how educated and equipped you are when it comes to stopping a bleed. It just takes a few minutes to complete, click here: National Stop the Bleed Day Barometer Survey (
Just remember, there are three simple actions you can immediately take in the event of a traumatic bleed, by applying:
- Pressure with hands
- Dressing and press
- Tourniquets
To ensure you don’t miss out on our National Stop the Bleed Day activities, sign up to our regular Friday e-levenses.
Visit the National Stop The Bleed Day website to see how you can get involved on May 20th and for more information.