7 Tips to help managers have productive talks and embrace new ideas  What is the current state of US ports & logistics? - June 2023  Top Tips for Entrepreneurs Looking to Develop a New Product  How to Choose the Right Load Cell for Your Project  3 ways magnets can improve efficiency in your new product development  The 5 stages of the new product development life cycle with TyTek Industries  Let’s tackle the productivity slump: starting with modernizing your management  A guide to choosing the right company for your industrial sewn products  How to Choose the Right Manufacturer for Magnet Assemblies  3 positive signs you’re on the path to success as a start-up business  
TyTek Medical

TyTek Medical is a manufacturer of compact, pre-hospital emergency medical products. Our emergency medical supplies were designed and engineered for military medics.

TyTek Industries

TyTek Industries can help you make your dreams a reality by taking your product ideas and solutions to market.

Soler Solutions

Introducing the world’s first out-of-the-box, plug and play, solar powered water pump. Utilising nature’s energy to provide sustainable water solutions.


PTENSYS (Platinum TEN SYStem) is a solution that offers vulnerability assessments and subsequent implementation of Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) treatment for high density events and locations.

About TyTek Group

The TyTek Group has an excellent track record in taking a concept or a technological development, commercialising it and growing it into a successful business. We have expertise in the mass production of custom made products, components and sub-assemblies aligned with exceptional sales & marketing capabilities allowing us to trade competitively across the globe.

Our operations are truly international and we have offices in the US, China and Europe. This level of experience has helped the TyTek Group to become true market leaders in innovation, magnetics, medical and new product development.

Ultimately, we offer an entire package of skills and services for a variety of industries. We can do the same for you.

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Manufacturing your future

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7 Tips to help managers have productive talks and embrace new ideas

As managers, facilitating productive discussions and fostering a culture that embraces new ideas are vital for team success. However, engaging in conversations where emotions run high can be challenging. It is crucial to navigate these situations with care and openness to create an environment that encourages innovative thinking and constructive dialogue. In this blog, we will explore seven valuable tips to help managers have productive talks while also embracing new ideas within their teams.

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